Source code for hypertunity.optimisation.base

"""Defines the API of every optimiser and implements common logic."""

import abc
import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Sequence

from hypertunity.domain import Domain, Sample

__all__ = [

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True) class EvaluationScore: """A tuple of the evaluation value of the objective function and a variance if known. """ value: float variance: float = 0.0 def __str__(self): return f"{self.value:.3f} ± {math.sqrt(self.variance):.1f}"
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class HistoryPoint: """A tuple of a :class:`Sample` at which the objective has been evaluated and the corresponding metrics. The metrics are supplied as :obj:`dict` mapping of a :obj:`str` metric name to an :class:`EvaluationScore`. """ sample: Sample metrics: Dict[str, EvaluationScore]
[docs]class Optimiser: """Abstract class :class:`Optimiser` for all optimisers. It must be implemented by all subclasses in this package. Every :class:`Optimiser` instance can be run for one single step using the :py:meth:`run_step` method. The :class:`Optimiser` does not perform the evaluation of the objective function but only proposes values from its domain. Therefore an evaluation history must be supplied via the :py:meth`update` method. The history can be erased and the :class:`Optimiser` brought to the initial state via the :py:meth:`reset` method. """ DEFAULT_METRIC_NAME = "score"
[docs] def __init__(self, domain: Domain): """Initialise the optimiser with a domain. Args: domain: :class:`Domain`. The domain of the objective function. """ self.domain = domain self._history: List[HistoryPoint] = []
@property def history(self): """Return the accumulated optimisation history.""" return self._history @history.setter def history(self, history: List[HistoryPoint]): """Set the optimiser history. This method can be used to warm-start an optimiser. Args: history: :obj:`List[HistoryPoint]`. New history which will **overwrite** the old one. """ self.reset() for hp in history: self.update(hp.sample, hp.metrics)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def run_step(self, batch_size, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Sample]: """Perform one step of optimisation and suggest the next sample to evaluate. Args: batch_size: (optional) :obj:`int`. The number of samples to suggest at once. *args: optional arguments for the Optimiser. **kwargs: optional keyword arguments for the Optimiser. Returns: A :obj:`List[Sample]` with the suggested samples to evaluate. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self, x, fx, **kwargs): """Update the optimiser's history with new points. Args: x: :class:`Sample` or :obj:`List[Sample]`. The samples at which the objective function has been evaluated. fx: :class:`EvaluationScore` or :obj:`List[EvaluationScore]`. The evaluation scores at the corresponding samples. """ if isinstance(x, Sample): self._update_history(x, fx) elif (isinstance(x, Sequence) and isinstance(fx, Sequence) and len(x) == len(fx)): for i, j in zip(x, fx): self._update_history(i, j) else: raise ValueError("Update values for `x` and `f(x)` must be either " "a `Sample` and an evaluation or a list thereof.")
def _update_history(self, x, fx): if isinstance(fx, (float, int)): history_point = HistoryPoint( sample=x, metrics={self.DEFAULT_METRIC_NAME: EvaluationScore(fx)} ) elif isinstance(fx, EvaluationScore): history_point = HistoryPoint( sample=x, metrics={self.DEFAULT_METRIC_NAME: fx}) elif isinstance(fx, Dict): metrics = {} for key, val in fx.items(): if isinstance(val, (float, int)): metrics[key] = EvaluationScore(val) else: metrics[key] = val history_point = HistoryPoint(sample=x, metrics=metrics) else: raise TypeError( "Cannot update history for one sample and multiple evaluations." " Use batched update instead and provide a list of samples and " "a list of evaluation metrics.") self.history.append(history_point)
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the optimiser to the initial state.""" self._history.clear()
class ExhaustedSearchSpaceError(Exception): pass Optimizer = Optimiser